Book Review

Slow and Simple: Inspiring DIY’s for Homemakers

Book Review, HomemakingDianne JagoComment

We once lived on a 3-acre farmette in the countryside of Pennsylvania. Our children and dogs had generous space to run and play, chasing fireflies around an old Magnolia tree. We had dozens of peony bushes where I cut flowers, gifted them to friends, and filled our house with it’s sweet scent. I hung laundry on a line and loved venturing out to nearby Amish markets and vegetable stands. When I think of a slow and simple lifestyle, I think of these memories (easily forgetting so much of what I did not enjoy about the state.)

I suppose this is the downside of having lived in so many places. When you’ve tasted and seen certain things, sometimes it’s hard not to compare the present with the former things. I miss the land we had in Pennsylvania but love living near the beach as we do now. I miss the accessibility to the mountains and woods like we did in California, but love freedom that we have in Florida. No single place that we’ve lived is perfect, attesting to the reality that true contentment isn’t found in people, places, or things, but in deep satisfaction of our good and gracious God. Rather than dwelling on the high points of every place we’ve lived and secretly wishing we could “have it all” in one location, we can take what we loved and implement it where God has placed us now.

When perusing books at our local library, I came across a book that I immediately fell in love with: “Simply Living Well” by Julie Watkins*. Her practical recipes and intentional, yet inspiring lifestyle reminds me of the creative traditions I witnessed in the Mennonite and Amish communities of Pennsylvania. Her lifestyle showcases that a simple and slower lifestyle can occur no matter what space one lives in. This book teaches the value in low-waste living, and I appreciate her balanced approach that isn’t burdensome to the reader. Yes, it’s easier to buy detergent at a store rather than making it yourself. Yes, plastic-wrap is the most convenient covering for leftovers. But this book helped me to see that there time-tested swaps that are not only environmentally-friendly and help save money in the long-run, but are actually fun to make. There is also something to be said about working with one’s hands and crafting some thing that is both useful and beautiful. And so, this book sent me on a journey of incorporating some of what I had left in Pennsylvania into our present living.

Here are a few things that I’ve tried my hand at since moving into our home here in Panama City Beach:

Headache Balm

This salve is made from beeswax, shea butter, and several different essential oils. I deal with chronic tension headaches and migraines and thought this would be fun to make as well as helpful to use. It doesn’t eliminate the headache but it is a great to use when massaging the forehead.

(The beautiful jar of lavender was gifted to me by some sweet friends from their lavender bushes in California. How dreamy!)

This recipe can be found in her book.

Homemade Playdough (scented!)

The kids loved this one and so do I! This was easy to make and my girls spent hours making pizzas and castles and taking in the sweet scents. I made this in October and it’s kept well in a glass container since then.

From top to bottom (of picture 1):

  1. No Dye | We wanted to keep this one the off-white color but we did use lavender oil to scent this one.

  2. Cocoa Powder | This dyed the ball brown but also made it smell HEAVENLY. It was hard not to eat this, ha.

  3. Turmeric | This bright yellow came from just a little turmeric. To make it smell sweetly, we added lemon essential oil.

  4. Paprika & Cinnamon | We tried paprika to make it look orange but that didn’t seem to work well and the smell was quite strong, so we added in cinnamon which gave it a different shade of brown and an amazing scent that cancelled out the paprika.

Julie made this recipe available online!

Beeswax Wrappers

I’ve heard of beeswax wrappers but didn’t know much about them. I found one on sale at Fresh Market and now understand the hype behind them. These are an excellent alternative to plastic wrap. They are anti-microbial, can be washed, and reused again and again. Just simply top your container with one of these or cover your fruit or cheese, and it will keep very well (better than plastic wrap, in my opinion.)

Buying them at the store is pricey so I decided to try Julie’s recipe and make my own. These are 100% cotton pieces of fabric painted with a beeswax and pine rosin mixture and baked to seal it all in. It is a little messy but the kids and I had fun making them.

This DIY is found in her book.

The other recipes from her book that I’ve made but haven’t photographed are homemade dish detergent (from vinegar, washing soda, and citric acid) and citrus spray (from vinegar and citrus peels). Both work wonderfully! I am going to soon attempt her laundry detergent recipe, dish detergent tablets, an all-natural hair rinse, and whipped body lotion. If you have any tried and true recipes, please send them my way!

*I do use Amazon affiliate links in this post, however, I am not affiliated with the author or the publisher. I just genuinely love this book and want to share it with you! P.S. This is not a Christian or faith-based book.

Book Review and Quotes: "Be Still My Soul" by Elisabeth Elliot

Christian Living, Book Review, AllDianne JagoComment

The last few years have felt like we only operate off of two seasons: busy and very busy. Before all the COVID-19 shutdowns, our family was gearing up for what was about to be another very busy season. The first half of the year includes my book launch and our Deeply Rooted Magazine launch, but our family schedule was just as jam-packed, if not more. Between church and soccer alone, we would have activities scheduled six out seven days of the week. I looked forward to June when I knew the soccer season would end, the book would be published, the magazine released, and I would have the kid's Summer break to throttle back on all our commitments. I already made a promise to myself and my family that I would not take anything extra on and that I would be intentional about resting during the Summer season. But honestly, I'm glad that rest came sooner.


When all the shelter in place orders surfaced, and the regular rhythms of life for the American population came to a halt, our family, like many others, were forced into a period of rest. I don’t like what caused this to happen, but I know that God is in control and wastes nothing, and so we've chosen to be intentional about not wasting our time too. Though much of my work hasn't changed—it's always been a remote job—and I do have added work with distance learning, there are still more pockets of rest than what I would have had if business continued as usual. But I’m learning that how I rest matters. We are free to rest in a variety of ways, but it’s true that binge-watching tv doesn’t reap the same reward that spending time in the Word does. I’ve been trying to cautiously navigate that reality.

One way that I've been resting is by reading again, and, oh, what a treat that has been! Sadly, I've haven't read many books from cover to cover since I started writing my book two years ago! I tried to avoid reading books while writing one just so that my thoughts remained original. All that to say, I'm excited to have completed "Be Still My Soul" by Elisabeth Elliot.

Although I've read some of her newsletters and I've quoted her on several occasions via the Deeply Rooted Instagram, this is the first time I've actually read one of her books, and I honestly don't know why it's taken me so long! In ways, her writing style is remarkably similar to my own. She calls out her current culture, is blunt, and aims to tie everything back to the Gospel. It's almost eerie reading some of the things she's written because I unknowingly penned similar ideas in my book! (I guess that’s what happens when you share the same Holy Spirit and have love for the same Bible, ha!) That said, there are still so many thoughts I haven’t processed and reading her words is gleaning wisdom from a wise mentor. Sprinkled throughout the book, Ms. Elliot candidly shares about her own experiences as a daughter, wife, mother, missionary, writer, and public speaker and how those experiences have shaped her understanding of abiding in Jesus.

The tagline for "Be Still My Soul" is "Cultivating Stillness in Our Can't Stop World," and that truly is the heart of the book. Though Ms. Elliot wrote this in 2003 and stands before Jesus today, her words remain timeless for this day and age. We truly are in a “can’t stop” world and I am just as guilty of that lifestyle. Woven into short, easy-to-read chapters are profound truths calling us to stop and consider the riches that are ours in Christ. It's not just a call to remember these truths but a call to be intentional about fixing our minds on them continuously above all other things. This idea of deliberate stillness is quite counter-cultural. At times, I tend to rush my stillness before the Lord (if that’s even possible), and so, these reminders blessed me immensely as I strive to practice intentional stillness in this unique season of life.

One of the main themes woven throughout the book is that there is a cost to follow Jesus. While following Him guarantees us peace, joy, and eternal blessings, it also demands humility, weakness, servanthood, and suffering. We want the peace but we don't want the humility. We want the joy but we don't want the weakness. We want the blessings, but we don't naturally want to serve or endure suffering. Everything that we are called to as Christians is the opposite of our natural self! And yet, God has given us a Helper. What God calls us to, He equips us for, and the hard things end up becoming the very places where we are refined. Ms. Elliot writes, "We can rest assured that the situation in which we find ourselves (and nowhere else) is the very place where God wants to meet us. It is here that we will grow into the likeness of Christ. So this means that the suffering itself is not meaningless; it is not 'for nothing.' It is an element in God's loving purpose."

At one point in the book, she shared a prayer from her younger years:

"Work Your whole will in my life at any cost."

Wow. Those words struck me to my core. How easy it is to imitate Jesus and let the words, "Thy will be done," roll off our tongue but it's an entirely different thing to acknowledge that it will cost us something. For Ms. Elliot, this would range in many hardships from the loss of her husband in the jungles of South America to professing Christians criticizing her writing and life experiences well into her career. But she remained confident in her Comforter:

“He is not finished with us yet, whatever the losses we suffer. As we lose hold on visible things, the invisible ones become more prestigious. Where our treasure is, there will our hearts be (Matt. 6:21).

And in another place she writes:

Three eternal and unshakable verities were what held me and comforted me during the terminal illness of my second husband, Add. I told myself the truth: Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again. Nothing can undermine those facts . . . The One who has the keys is the One who is in charge. And if we have given our lives to Him, we are able to accept everything that happens to us as from His hands.


There are ten chapters, and each can pretty much stand alone on its own. I tend to pick up books that are above my reading level or even theological understanding, but then I become overwhelmed and never finish. So, if you haven't read in a while or anything like me, this is a great book to start. But I caution you with this: don't let its readability fool you. She uses Gospel truth and Scripture to cut straight to the heart. There’s a lot to chew on and I know I am changed after reading it. Whenever things “get back to normal”, I am asking the Lord for help to continuously quiet my heart and be still every single day, no matter how busy we are. I'm grateful for this book and I pray it blesses you too!

Here are a few of the quotes I underlined and highlighted:

God was not asleep when John the Baptist got his head chopped off. His attention was not deflected when Stephen was stoned to death. God was still in heaven when His Son was nailed to the cross. Jesus Himself knew what was going to happen to Him. He agonized in the garden over His approaching death. He had not, however, worked His way through the five stages of grief. Instead, He showed us the shortcut to peace, which is acceptance. He acquiesced, trustingly to the will of His Father. (pg. 44-45)

Our perspective is so limited. We keep forgetting that God’s love does not show itself only in protection from suffering. It is of a different nature altogether. His love does not hate tragedy. It never denies reality. It stands firm in the teeth of suffering. The love of God did not protect His own Son from death on a cross. That was the proof of His love, though "legions of angels” might have rescued Him. He will not necessarily protect us—not from anything it takes to make us more like Jesus. A lot of hammering and chiseling and purifying by fire will have to go into the process. Through it all, we learn to trust Him in every little thing. (pg. 48)

The secret is Christ in me, not in a different set of circumstances. (pg. 51)

The rule of heaven is “Thy will be done.” The rule of hell is “My will be done.” ( pg. 71)

As His servants, we pay attention to how we react to slights and hurts, because we realize that wherever we are being self-protective or irritated, we most likely do not yet possess a servant’s heart. (pg. 87)

God is more interested in our response than He is in the tangible results (pg. 87).

Our praying is not some kind of internal dialogue or an exercise in futility. God is listening. (pg. 98)

The suffering of Jesus includes not only physical pain, but also emotional and spiritual agony. From the moment He was born in a stable and the world for the first time heard the voice of God wailing as a newborn, He suffered. As Jesus’ suffering included the full range of human experiences, so does ours. I fall back on a simple definition of suffering: “having what you don’t want, or wanting what you don’t have.” That pretty much covers the matter—everything from the grossest injustices to the quarrel you had this morning with your spouse. (pg. 110)

I don’t need to tell you that this is an unpopular approach to life. Our society has become obsessed with comfort and fun and personal fulfillment. We are accustomed to fixing things or finding experts to solve every problem. We get impatient when traffic lights malfunction or we are sick for too long. We are not legendary heroes or heroines. We are not gluttons for punishment. We are only ordinary folks who get out of very comfortable beds in the morning, brush our teeth with running water, put on whatever we like to wear, and eat whatever we want for breakfast. Our lives generally don’t seem to call for much courage. We are so accustomed to luxury it ruins our day if the air conditioner quits or the waiter says they’re fresh out of cherry cheesecake. We expect to get things fixed—fast. When we can’t, we are at a loss. (pg. 110)

What counts the most is our response to everything. It is not what happens to us, but how we respond and how we look to God for strength and guidance. Two thieves were crucified next to Jesus. One of them recognized his guilt, understood who Jesus was and what He could do, and responded with repentance for his sin. Jesus told him, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.” The other responded with venom. Their immediate circumstances were unchanged. Both thieves were still nailed to their crosses, dying. Their response made all the difference. (pg. 126).

If this book sounds like something you want to read, you can Click TO purchase it here! :)

Please note: This post is not affiliated with the publisher of this book. I purchased the book on my own and am sharing it on my own. However, the links within the post are affiliate links with Amazon. Blogging takes time, and this is one small way that it helps contribute to my family. I almost always buy my books from Amazon and I would've directed you there, regardless. :) 

A Review of and Quotes from the Book "Ordinary"

All, Christian Living, Book Review, Popular PostsadminComment

Please note: This post was not written in affiliation with the author or publisher of this book. I purchased the book on my own and am sharing it on my own. However, the links within the post are affiliate links with Amazon. Blogging takes time, and this is one small way that it helps contribute to my family. I almost always buy my books from Amazon, so I would've directed you there, regardless. :) 

I'm not even sure how I came across this book, but I'm so glad I did. "Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World" is a breath of fresh air in a culture with mantras like you only live once and follow your heart.  The wisdom of this world encourages us to chase hard after our dreams no matter the cost and then frowns upon life callings that aren't glamorous or newsworthy. Those who aspire to live quietly and work with our hands, as commanded in 1 Thessalonians 4:11, are viewed upon as strange and unambitious. Somewhere along the way, these ideas have seeped into our churches where celebrity Christians are exalted and the "ordinary" occurrences of grace expressed in the local church body are downplayed. We are left swimming in a sea of comparison and with many faithful Christians who are wondering if there is something more they can be doing for the Lord.I am by no means against pursuing a dream. In fact, I talk about this very topic in my interview at the Journeywomen Podcast. Deeply Rootedis inexistence because we pursued an idea and gained the support of many who also believe in that idea. But in the almost four years of running Deeply Rooted, I will admit that I've found myself, at times, yawning at the ordinary callings placed in my life. If I'm honest, there have been seasons of difficulty in transitioning from encouraging women seeking sound advice to chasing around a toddler who distrusts my advice that a new diaper is a good idea. I experienced this right after hosting our 4-day retreat last year. Micahel Horton addresses this well:

"It is all too easy to turn other people in our lives into a supporting cast for our life movie. The problem is that they don't follow the role or the lines we've given them. They are actual people with actual needs that get in the way of our plot, espeically if they're as ambitious as we are. Sometimes, chasing your dreams can be 'easier' than just being who we are, where God has placed you, with the gifts he has given to you." (Pg. 16)

He's right, sometimes it can be much easier to create or write or serve or work or minister to other women more than laboring in love towards our own husband or kids. My kids are not the supporting cast in my personal life movie. But when we are gripped by a dream, how easy is it for us to view children as a hindrance to that dream? The very notion that my calling as a wife and mom (and the ordinary tasks that come with it) are of lesser value than the ministry work I do is a complete lie. I may see some immediate fruit in ministering to women but loving our husbands, growing and discipling souls from the ground up, and keeping our homes is a mighty task -- a Biblical task (Titus 2)! Deeply Rooted started from a place of encouraging motherhood but somewhere along the way, I allowed the value of the ordinary callings before me to get lost in a sea of to-do lists. But I'm grateful to God for the way He transforms us and conforms us to His image daily. This past year has been a year of refining as God continues to teach me to see things as He does.  Kingdom work begins with loving the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, is poured out within the walls of your home, and then overflows to your neighbors around you.I'm so grateful that God's purpose for our lives can be expressed in a variety of shapes and forms. We know that whatever it is we do, we can and should do it for the glory of God because of the work that Christ has done on the cross for us. We discover that we are not left to live our lives (that are not our own but bought with a price) independent from one another, but instead are to come together as one with Christ as our Head to further His kingdom purposes. This heavenly perspective affirms that, yes, we do only live once but rather than following our heart recklessly we follow Jesus faithfully.He addresses this also in his book:

"Our passion for life and achievement and our desire to strive toward a daring goal are essentially hardwired into us by God. What has changed since the fall is the direction of this drive. Unhinged from its proper object - God's glory and our neighbor's good - our love becomes self-focused; our holy passions become vicious, driving us away from God's approaching steps and away from each other. We're not living in the real world, the creation that God called into being and sustains by the word of his power, but in a make-believe world. We are living as though God and our neighbors were made for us. In other words, we are living unnatural lives -- living as if we were or could become someone other than the image of God, created to love God and each other." (pg 88)

Michael Horton does a great job of using Scripture, research, and examples from history to display the extreme God-given value to the ordinary portions of life that we encounter every day, as well as to show us the great value of the Church. This book is not meant to discourage those with "big dreams."  However, it does address that even these good things we want to pursue can become bad things when they "become curved on ourselves" (pg. 103). But Scripture is clear that God does not share His glory. His purposes are greater than the kingdoms we try to build for ourselves and in the end, we realize that our call to love God and love our neighbor, aren't so ordinary after all.I really appreciate this book and felt like it encouraged and challenged me in a number of ways. These are several of my favorite quotes from the book:

"Rosa Parks didn't wake up one day and decide to become the 'First Lady of Civil Rights.' She just boarded the bus as she did every day for work and decided that this day she wasn't going to sit in the back as a proper black person was expected to do in 1950s Montgomery, Alabama. She knew who she was and what she wanted. She knew the cost, and she made the decision to pursue what she believed in enough to sacrifice her own security. At that point, she wasn't even joining a movement. She was just the right person at the right place and time. What made her the right person was countless influences, relationships, and experiences -- most of them seemingly insignificant and forgotten. God had already shaped her into the sort of person that would do such a thing. For her at least, it was an ordinary thing to refuse to sit in the back of the bus on this particular trip. But for history, it had radical repercussions . . . Excellence means that whether God calls me to serve the poor in Calcutta or diners in a French restaurant, the simple fact that it is God's calling renders it precious 'So . . . whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31). (Pg. 34)

"[God's covenant of grace . . . does not follow consumer cues of this passing age, dividing people accodring to generations, ethnicity, gender, class, or political parties. In Christ, these walls are broken down. He is now our real location, the marker of our ultimate idenity (Gal 3:28). United to one body with one Head, it is our differences from each other that give each part of the body what it needs. The younger needs the older. Wealthier believers need the gifts of poorer members. Rather than feed a comfortable narcissim, we need to be enriched by the insights, fellowship, and correction of brothers and sisters from ethnic, political, and economic backgrounds different from our own. The church isn't a circle of friends, but the family of God. The covenant of grace connects generations, rooting them in that worshipping community with the 'cloud of witnesses' in heaven as well as here and now (Heb 12:1)." (Pg. 52-53)

"Is the intense longing for revival itself part of the problem, fueling the feverish expectation for The Next Big Thing? Is it not remarkable enough that Jesus Christ himself is speaking to us whenever his Word is preached each week? Is it not a miracle enough that a lush garden is blooming in the desert of this present evil age? Is it not enough of a wonder that the Spirit is still raising those who are spiritually dead to life through this preached Gospel? Is water baptism an outward pledge that we make in response to a decision we made to be born again? Or is it a means of God's miraculous grace? And is it not sufficient that those who belong to Christ are growing in the grace and knowledge of his Word, strengthened in their faith by teh regular administration of the Supper, common fellowship in doctrine, prayer and praise, guided by elders and served by deacons? Doesn't the longing for revival tend to create the impression that between revivals you have ullus where the Spirit is not active at least in the same power or degree of power through these means Christ appointed?" (Pg. 80)

"Contra to the wisdom of this age, Paul tells us that the body of Christ is not just a voluntary association for realizing my dream of 'belonging' or a place where I can assert my unique qualities. Christ's body is not a stage for my performance, but an organism into which I've been inserted by the Spirit, by a miracle of grace."If we stick closely to the biblical terms for it, ambition is folly, for we will take God's gift of godly aspiration and fashion them into weapons of self-interest. . . Ambition is an empty pursuit, because none of us is truly the master of our fate and the captain of our soul. We cannot live up to our own Facebook profile or the expectations that ahve been placed on us by others. When we do try to disengage ourselves from the ties that bind, the whole body suffers. As we have seen above, especially from Paul's exhortations, ambition is bound up with rivalry, factions, jealousy, envy, and even fits of rage. When we are ambitious, each of us campaigns for the office of emperor. In the process, we're tearing Christ's body, our homes, our workplaces, and our society to pieces." (Pg. 93)

"Yet Paul's calling is qualitatively different from Timothy's, and you see this in the contrast between the passage in Galatians 1 and the exhortation he gives to his apprentice. He tells Timothy that he is a simply to pass on to others what he has received from Paul the apostle, to keep the deposit rather than add to it, to teach it to other men who will carry on the work. The super-apostles boasted of a 'higher knowledge' than the apostle's doctrine, seeking to reinvent a gospel more 'relevant' to the Greeks. But Paul warns, 'O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called 'knowledge' for by professing it some have swerved from the faith: (1 Tim 6:20-21). unlike the apostles, Timothy is not called immediately and directly by Jesus Christ, but through the ministry of the church. He is answerable to the presbytery - or council of elders - that ordained him (4:14). Timothy is not an apostle; he is serving in the vanguard of the ordinary ministry that will continue after the extraordinary ministry of the apostles." (pg. 108)

"In most cases, impatience with the ordinary is at the root of our restlessness and rootlessness. We're looking for something more to charge our lives with interest, meaning, and purpose. Instead of growing lik a tree, we want to grow like a forest fire." (Pg. 127)

"So what does it mean to be content with God's provision? It means that when you and I are safely hidden with Christ in God through faith in his gospel, we are opened up to the others around us - first fellow saints, and then our other neighbors. Instead of being threats, they are fellow guests of God at his table. No longer competitors for commodities in a world of scarce resources, they are co-sharers with us in the circulation of gifts that flows outward from its source without running out. After all, that source is the triune God: from the Father, in the Son, by the Spirit." (Pg. 135)

"Contentment comes from knowing that the body of Christ is far greater than any of its members by itself. Christ considers himself incomplete until his whole body share in his risen glory." (Pg. 167)

"The more deeply rooted we are in the Word of God, the more our witness will be authentic and imbued with personal conviction." (Pg. 1 75)

"We look at the work of someone like Mother Theresa from the endpoint, as the Nobel Prize winning figure who founded an order of nuns spread across India and around the world to serve the poor. However, she described in her own life in terms of countless decisions and actions that hardly seem revolutionary on a daily scale. She learned to help the person she was with a the moment - actual neighbors, not 'the poor' in general, but people created in God's image who needed something particular that she had to give." (Pg. 194)

"'God does not need our good works, but our neighbor does. When we offering our works to God, we simultaneously 'attempt to depose Christ from his throne' and neglect our neighbor, but to parade before God.; God descends to serve humanity through our vocations, so instead of seeing good works as our works for God, they are now to be seen as God's work for our neighbor, which God performs through us. That is why both orders are upset when we seek to present good works to God as if he needed them. In contrast, when we are overwhelmed by the superabundance of God's gracious gift, we express our gratitude in horizontal works of love and service to the neighbor." (Pg. 197)

"The Gospel makes us extrospective, turning our gaze upward to God in faith and outward to our neighbor in love." (Pg. 199)

There are so many more quotes that I highlighted that I would love to share, but this is already an obnoxious amount. If you've made it this far and found it encouraging, then I recommend buying the book or adding it to your Christmas wishlist!